Clydach Farm Grain Free Venison Dry Dog Food 1kg

by Clydach Farm

A complete food for all breeds of adult/mature dogs. Our Grain Free Venison uses the power of two protein sources! Along with digestible, slow-release carbohydrates. This recipe is packed with finest fresh Venison and sustainably-sourced Salmon; dual-protein sources provide unique and valuable nutrients to help support overall health and adds tasty variety to mealtime. Sourcing Venison from English Estates, where Deer roam as nature intended on the rolling open countryside of protected parks and estates. The fresh Venison and Salmon is gently blended with Sweet Potato; a highly digestible, slow release carbohydrate that offers a low glycaemic index and a fantastic source of vitamin A and C. With naturally high levels of Omega 3 and 6, this diet delivers a great source of EPA and DHA to help support a healthy heart, supple joints, cognitive function, visual development and coat/skin condition.


Estate Venison & Salmon 50% (Including 26% Freshly Prepared Venison, 19% Dried Salmon, 2.5% Salmon Oil & 2.5% Salmon Stock), Sweet Potato, Potato, Peas, Pea Protein, Whole British Linseed, Beet Pulp, Omega 3 Supplement, Minerals & Vitamins, Vegetable Stock, Dried Fruit, Fructooligosaccharides (92 mg/kg), Mannanoligosaccharides (23mg/kg)

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