Bakers Weight Control Dry Dog Food Chicken 1.1kg

by Bakers

Our recipe has been made with a variety of tender* meaty chunks & whole grains for quality, tasty goodness. Each meal contains the everyday nutrients your dog needs to get on with all the playful & cheeky things that happy & healthy BAKERS dogs do! 100% complete & nutritionally balanced for all your dog's daily needs, Specially formulated to help keep your dog's weight under control, Antioxidants to help support healthy immune system, Added quality protein to help support muscle strength, With fibre from whole grains to help support healthy digestion, Vitamin D & Minerals for healthy teeth and strong bones, No added artificial colors, flavors & preservatives.


Cereals (Wholegrain 52 %*), Meat and Animal Derivatives (15 %**), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Oils and Fats, Glycerol, Minerals, Propylene Glycol, Vegetables *** (0.3% Dried Pea and 0.3% Dried Carrot), * Including min. 4% Wheat and 4% Maize, ** Equivalent to 30% Rehydrated Meat and Animal Derivatives, with min. 14% Chicken, Equivalent to 4% Rehydrated Vegetables.

Nutritional Information

Typical Values

Analytical Constituents



Fat content:


Crude ash:


Crude fibres:



Nutritional additives:


Vit. A:

23 000

Vit. D3:

1 340

Vit. E:



Ferrous sulphate monohydrate

(Fe: 95)

Calcium iodate anhydrous

(I: 2.4)

Cupric sulphate pentahydrate

(Cu: 10)

Manganous sulphate monohydrate

(Mn: 7)

Zinc sulphate monohydrate

(Zn: 130)

Sodium selenite

(Se: 0.23)

Colourants and antioxidants

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