Pedigree Mixer Adult Dry Dog Food Original 3kg

by Pedigree

Pedigree Mixer is a complimentary dog food, which contains essential vitamins & minerals. It is designed to be fed with Pedigree cans or pouches to give your dog a healthy and balanced meal they will love. With wholegrain cereal Pedigree Mixer dry dog food is naturally rich in fibres to help support healthy digestion, Our dog food recipes contain zinc and sunflower oil, a natural source of omega 6, which help support a healthy coat so your canine friend can look their best, no matter how often they take a mud bath, Dry dog food with whole-wheat, a source of complex carbohydrates, for slow release energy throughout the day, Dog food mixer with no added artificial flavors or colorants.


Cereals (including 4% Whole Grain Wheat), Meat and Animal Derivatives, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Oils and Fats (including 0.2% Sunflower Oil), Minerals, Natural ingredients

Allergy Information

No Added Sugar

Nutritional Information

Typical Values

Analytical constituents (%):



Fat content:


Inorganic matter:


Crude fibres:


Additives per kg:


Nutritional additives:

Vitamin A:

11900 IU

Vitamin D3:

1312 IU

Vitamin E:

75.0 mg

Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):

6.0 mg

Iodine (Potassium iodide):

1.5 mg

Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):

49.5 mg

Selenium (Sodium selenite):

0.25 mg

Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):

140 mg

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