Bakers Adult Dog Food Chicken & Vegetable 1.2kg

by Bakers

BAKERS(R) ADULT has a new, improved recipe that is now rich in chicken, with more variety of wholesome whole grains & country vegetables for quality, tasty goodness. And don't worry, our recipe is still made with the same amazing taste that our BAKERS dogs know & love to gobble up! 100% complete nutrition, Perfect nutritional balance for all your dog's daily needs, With a prebiotic to help support healthy digestion, Antioxidants to help support healthy immune system, With added protein to help support muscle strength, Vitamin D & minerals for healthy teeth & strong bones, With fibre from whole grains to help support healthy digestion, Vitamin A & zinc to help support healthy skin & coat, No added artificial colors, flavors & preservatives.


Cereals (Wholegrain 55 %*), Meat and Animal Derivatives (15 %**), Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Oils and Fats, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Glycerol, Vegetables *** (0.3% Dried Pea and 0.3% Dried Carrot), Minerals, Propylene Glycol, * Including min. 4% Wheat and 4% Maize, ** Equivalent to 30% Rehydrated Meat and Animal Derivatives, with min. 14% Chicken, Equivalent to 4% Rehydrated Vegetables

Allergy Information

Contains Gluten

Nutritional Information

Typical Values

Analytical Constituents:



Fat content:


Crude ash:


Crude fibres:



Nutritional additives:


Vit. A:

17 500

Vit. D3:

1 020

Vit. E:



Ferrous sulphate monohydrate

(Fe: 72)

Calcium iodate anhydrous

(I: 1.8)

Cupric sulphate pentahydrate

(Cu: 8)

Manganous sulphate monohydrate

(Mn: 5)

Zinc sulphate monohydrate

(Zn: 100)

Sodium selenite

(Se: 0.17)

Colourants and antioxidants

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